Electronic Acupuncture Pen Laser Acupuncture Magnet Therapy instrument Heal Massage Meridian Energy Pen health care moni
Treatment principle
The benefits of laser acupuncture are very close to the acupuncture performed with needles: Many conditions that typically respond well to traditional acupuncture respond equally well to laser acupuncture, although lasers cannot be employed to reach deep acupuncture points.
1) Like traditional acupuncture, laser acupuncture has numerous benefits relating to pain relief and can be used to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. Some people use acupuncture for conditions such as addiction and depression. The outstanding advantages of laser acupuncture are that it does not need to pierce the skin, there is no pain, there is no needle, and it does not cause fear.
2) Acupuncture may be used on animals for pain relief and treatment of other conditions.Laser acupuncture is particularly useful in these cases because an animal cannot reliably be called upon to sit still for needles. Pets that require acupuncture may go through less traumatic with the same benefits when lasers are used. Also, as the skin is not broken, aftercare for animals is simple.
3) One of the most important benefits of laser acupuncture over the use of needles for treatment is reduced in anxiety and fear on the part of the patient, will not cause patients to panic. Fear of needles is very common, and the use of needles in a procedure designed to reduce pain often results in additional tension in the patient. Many people experience syncope or vomiting when the needle penetrates the skin, but laser acupuncture can completely prevent this.
COZING-T04 Features:
Great for relieving pain
650nm laser
Output 200mv
Works with battery
Compact to take with you anywhere
Laser Acupuncture Pen Advantage:
Works with normal batteries
No needlesPhysical therapy , no side effect, no trauma
Laser Acupuncture Pen Mechanism of action:
1. Improving the blood circulation
Laser directly irradiates on the lesionpart which blood flow is decreased or irradiates the sympathetic ganglion which dominates this range. It could supply sufficient blood and nutrition in order to improve the metabolism and relieve symptom.
2. Diminishing the inflammation quickly
Laser irradiates the lesion area to enhance the activity of phagocyte and improve the immunity and diminish the inflammation quickly.
3. Relieving the pain
The injured part could release the substance after laser irradiation. Laser irradiation also could reduce the conduction rate, power and impulse frequency to relieve the pain quickly.
4. Accelerating the tissue repair
Laser irradiation can accelerate the growth of new blood vessel and granulation tissue and improve protein-synthesis. Blood capillary is one of the basic elements of granulation tissue, which is the precondition of wound healing. Organizing much more oxygen supply to damaged tissue cells and accelerates the production of collagen fibers, deposition and cross-linking.
How to Perform Laser Acupuncture?
Semi-Automatic PET Bottle Blowing Machine Bottle Making Machine Bottle Moulding Machine PET Bottle Making Machine is suitable for producing PET plastic containers and bottles in all shapes.
-One pair of protective glasses for each Laser Acupuncture Pen.
-After you purchase, the treatment plan will be emailed to you.