Pain relief Laser Acupuncture pen Massager Meridian Pen Health Care Monitor
Model: COZING-T04
Low intensity laser therapy (LILT) is a form of phototherapy which has been employed as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries and chronic ulceration Such lasers have also been recommended as an effective alternative to metal needles for the stimulation of acupuncture or musculoskeletal trigger points; this form of therapy is commonly termed «Laser Acupuncture» to distinguish it from the wider therapeutic applications of such laser devices . Laser acupuncture is promoted as inherently safer than needle acupuncture due to the non-invasive nature of treatment (e.g., in cases of HIV infection) and as a method which is more appropriate for the stimulation of difficult points such as auricular acupuncture points (e.g., for smoking cessation) or points around the perineum or genitals (e.g., for sexual dysfunction)
What is the treatment principle of laser acupuncture?
Laser Acupuncture Pen is the non invasive laser acupuncture based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and modern organs and meridian. Simply use the laser pen irradiation on affected areas or certain acupoint, and it will release an electric pulse to stimulate the meridian and acupuncture points in your body for healing and pain relief. Alternativetreatment. It has no side effect as opposed to using painkillers and other medications to treat chronic pain.
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What is the efficacy of laser acupuncture ?
While laser therapy significantly reduces patient trauma, and is usually a good choice for treating conditions where the risk of cross infection is high, the effectiveness of this treatment is often limited to peripheral points. The acupressure points on a patient’s hands, feet, and ears often respond to laser treatment, but deeper abdominal points do not usually benefit, as most of the laser beams used cannot penetrate beyond 0.19 inches (5 mm).
What is the benefits of laser acupuncture ?
1. Many conditions that typically respond well to traditional acupuncture respond equally well to laser acupuncture,
2.Like traditional acupuncture, laser acupuncture has many benefits relating to pain relief and can be used to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis.
3.Use acupuncture for conditions such as addiction and depression.
4.Laser acupuncture has the additional benefit of requiring no puncturing of the skin, no pain, and no needles
5. reduction in anxiety and fear on the part of the patient.
What is the purpose of laser acupuncture?
A laser acupuncturist typically aims a beam of light from a laser tube onto an acupuncture point, stimulating it similar to the way acupuncture needles do. The visible red laser beam, radiating from helium and neon gases, usually heats up the point. During the procedure, a practitioner may hold the beam steadily for a period that can range from ten seconds to a maximum of two minutes. The duration of the beam usually depends on the amount of tissue the laser must penetrate, and the power the acupuncturist needs to apply on a point. Sometimes, a practitioner may also have to use invisible infrared lasers.
Great for relieving pain
650nm laser
Output power 200mv
Works with battery
Compact to take with you anywhere
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